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Bold Moves Field Notes

Kristen Rocco
Kristen Rocco, host of Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast at Grand Canyon

August 2, 2024

“Most of us stop when we start thinking about the how,” says Sarah Schneider in her ebook, “Big Daring Ass Decisions”

The bold movers and change makers I’m gathering over Bold Move dinners are dedicated to bucking this tendency. Where the how of writing our own stories fuels our bold moves.

That was the topic of this week’s Bold Moves dinner NYC. We’re launching new businesses, going back to school, taking the helm of completely new functions to lead the way forward, letting go of the old to make way for the new, and stepping into our brightness to take on new opportunities even when we’re scared because we can’t clearly see the road ahead.

My manta if you will for building community around making bold moves is “no one said being bold is easy, so we’re going at it together” and together, we did. Thanks for sharing your stories and lessons Christina, Laura, Kayla, Catherine, Michele, Ashley, and Megan so we can go at making bold moves together in community! 

July 24, 2024

Imagine a world where you, as an employee, could not only match your skills to a job description, but you could also match your working style to your potential manager BEFORE you accepted a job? 💡

Or, on the hiring side, imagine if you could understand a candidate’s skillset and how well they would work with you as their manager before day one. 💡💡

That’s what Hatchproof is setting out to do.

Today's "Bold Moves: How Did You Know" podcast guest 🎙️ Imran Syed is Hatchproof’s visionary founder and CEO and he's been studying workplace dynamics for quite some time. He imagined a better employer/employee fit to improve retention and started on a mission to make the future of work work better.

In this episode, he:

✔️ Shares what the future of work looks like when Hatchproof assists employees and employers to find a better match.

✔️ Takes us inside his career before Hatchproof, a journey that crescendoed in completing an eight-figure exit as CEO at Instapage.

✔️ His advice for finding a rewarding career

✔️ And so much more

I'm so excited for you all to listen to this one! He's working to turnaround some dismal workplace engagement statistics so the future of work is more appealing for everyone. 🤝

July 12, 2024

A bold move come true, truly. I couldn’t be more grateful. 

You see, back in June of last year I had a vision to gather Bold Moves podcast listeners and past guests around a dinner table to share the spirit of boldness in person. 

This week my dream became a reality. Eight incredible people – Jenna KolodziejczakMichelle MorganNancy A. DavisJackie Costello,  Eileen NebhutPam Alvord, and Diana Murphy – took a shot at trying something new and accepted my invitation to the first Bold Moves dinner in Atlanta. 

We went ‘round the table sharing bold move stories, our couregous acts, how we bucked norms, and opened up about the challenges we face day in and day out as we pursue our dreams and write our own stories. 

We even brainstormed about launching a bold moves merch shop: Looking at you 2025! 

It was an evening of connection and community with delicious food to top it all off! Thank you to Jenna, Michelle, Nancy, Jackie, Eileen, Pam, and Diana for taking a chance on this dinner. I feel more inspired than ever to organize Bold Move Dinners all across the country. 

July 10, 2024

Does being an introvert make it harder to pursue bold moves?

This interesting question led me to Kate Grantham. She’s an independent event producer behind some of the most well-recognized events in the world: the Super Bowl, SAG Awards, and Sundance Film Festival to name a few.

She’s a self-proclaimed occupational extrovert, meaning that her career requires her to “turn it on” and be extremely energetic while producing corporate events (sometimes she’s on-site for 10-12 hours at a time!), but she’s an introvert at heart.

We explore this interesting dynamic – when your bold move requires you to be a different version of yourself, how do you handle that?

Kate takes us inside her process of managing being an introvert in an extroverted career and dispels a few myths about being an introvert who makes bold moves like why relationship-building may actually be easier for introverts.

If you’re an introvert who has a big, bold dream but you're holding yourself back, this episode is for you.

June 26, 2025

Here’s the thing about midlife crisis…

Is it even a thing anymore? 

It’s time to reframe this age-old narrative with a new twist.

You met Diana and heard her bold move story in the episode called, “Do It Your Way with Reformed Good Girl Diana Murphy” and now we’re turning the tables. She’s getting my perspective on why people who make bold moves identify more with a midlife click than a midlife crisis. 

But first, I went back to the archives and learned the history of the midlife crisis. I share who invented it, how it came about, and why it no longer fits our culture and identities. 

That’s not all. You’ll hear me talk about:

  • What midlife clicking feels like to me – and to other bold people willing to go for their dreams and write their own stories

  • What bold people know about getting OUT of a midlife crisis if you are in one right now

  • The behind-the-scenes about what led to my bold move that launched this whole podcast to begin with

  • What I do when I’m not focused on bold moves conversations (yes, I do other things, too LOL) 

I’m ready to reframe the narrative about the middle part of our lives, how about you?

Yes, it's more complex. We're balancing a whole lot more, and sh** happens all the time. But do you agree that when you feel fulfilled because you're writing your own story – one designed by you, your choices and decisions, life feels more energizing and exciting than dark and dismal?

I make the point in the episode that I think a career or personal crisis (maybe in midlife) often paves the way for a bold move where you start to click!!

You just gotta get over the hump!

June 15, 2024

People who make bold moves are building a career with a different playbook. 🤯

And I can’t wait to share what I've uncovered – their playbook – with the Hype HQ community on Thursday!

I’m joining Hype HQ founder Polina Ruvinsky in an interactive discussion about what people who make bold moves do differently to build a successful AND fulfilling career.

I've noticed a tension more toward the middle of our careers where people get stuck because sure, they're successful, but they're not fulfilled. And in the middle of our careers we care more about fulfillment than we did earlier on.

That's why looking for your "what's next" seems harder than it ever did before. You're not just looking for another step on the ladder, you're looking for meaning and purpose as well.

So what do bold people know that can help all of us find purpose, passion and fulfillment in our work. That is the question we are discussing tomorrow!

Hype HQ is a dynamic community that revolutionizes how aspiring women gain visibility and uplift each other. It elevates the bold moves of everyone in the community!

Join Hype HQ (it's FREE!) and sign up for our session on Thursday. It’s only open to HypeHQ members, so sign up and I’ll see you soon!

June 13, 2024

What are you going pro at? 

Not what are already you pro at but what are you going pro at?

Last year for me it was podcasting.

This year it’s speaking.

This is the view from my go-pro zone. 

I’ve dedicated an hour and a half every morning (7:30-9 am) for outlining, scripting, and rehearsing my Bold Moves keynote speech. 

This is my biggest Bold Moves goal this year and I’m not letting it hang out there like “one day I’ll get to it.” Nope, I’m getting to it today and tomorrow and the next day and the next. 

I’m going pro with it. 

Want to go pro with your bold move? My newsletter helps you discover go-pro ideas, methodologies, and systems from bold leaders who make bold moves every day.

June 12, 2024

Did the pandemic shake your world? It did for many of us, including Morli Desai, CEO of Amaira Natural Skincare. “There was this little pandemic going on that caused all of us to stop and take stock.” she said. 

For Morli, she realized she had lost herself. “I put everything else before me,” she recalled. 

Great, now what? What do you do when you know something’s not working and you need to make big, bold changes?

Morli dissects this question for us with her exact step-by-step process of getting back to finding herself and building a brand new life and career. 

Discover how Morli rearchitected her entire life, starting with her health and wellness, friends, family, and community, and then finding a business that complemented her life’s mission to empower women.

Now that she’s on the other side of upending her life, I asked Morli, does she regret making these bold moves? Her answer will surprise you!

May 29, 2024

Good girl gone… BOLD.

If you have ever thought that it’s too late for you to be bold, for you to make bold moves, my guest on today’s episode of Bold Moves: How Did You Know, Diana Murphy, is going to change your mind!

🙌 Married to divorced to dating in her 60s.

🙌 National sales leader to working in the home to starting a business.

🙌 Living as a family of four to an empty nester to living alone.

As she was changing her life to do it her way, Diana faced perceptions of what she SHOULD be doing, but instead of doing the good girl thing again and following the rule book, she blew it up. 🤯

“I would have it no other way – to be brave enough to leave the marriage, brave enough to start the business and honor this mission and calling. The fulfillment and the happiness I have of holding to my standard, when you think about dating and what kind of clients I bring into the practice. I really didn’t think it was possible to have what I have right now,” she said.

Grab your cup of joe and tune into this episode. What an empowering way to start your day!

May 15, 2024

You might think that my memory of my graduation would be fuzzy. It was a long time ago after all. Some parts of it are, but other parts… those are still crystal clear. 

Like the genuine accomplishment I felt that day standing next to my classmates while the dean called us up one by one to receive our degrees and the curiosity and wonder I felt when I heard the graduation speech. 🎓

Pure excitement rushed in as I turned the tassel on my cap to acknowledge the grandest achievement of my life to that point. Caps, in semi-slow motion, flew in the air when the dean said, “Congratulations to the graduating class of 2005!” 👩‍🎓

I felt an overwhelming amount of joy celebrating with my friends and family after the ceremony.

“I did it,” I thought. “I made it.” 🎉

It was one of the best days of my life. It still is, all these years later.

Maybe that’s why I like to tune into at least one graduation speech each year. They’re inspiring, and motivating. For graduates, these speeches are like a spiritual sendoff, setting them off into the world with optimism, hope, and encouragement in their back pockets. 

When I set out to create a podcast to inspire and empower others to pursue bold moves, boldly, I dreamt of listeners feeling the intangible sensation that I get from graduation speeches – the belief that you can do anything you put your mind to. 

Now, after more than a year of new episodes, 28 people including entrepreneurs, founders, executive leaders, and creatives who are dedicated to writing their own stories have answered my final interview question, “What do you know about being bold today that you wish you would have known earlier on?” 

Through this question, we have co-created our very own graduation speech.

Out from the other side of SOME of our in-the-trenches stories, our hardest moments, and transformation journeys, we have offered the advice we wish we could have given to our younger selves about being bold. 

Collectively, they’re words of wisdom from one generation to another about what it means to be bold and write a life story you’re proud of.

I hope you enjoy this special episode as much as I loved producing it. 🎧 You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. 

We all may know someone who could be deeply inspired by this episode – whether you’re a parent of someone who is graduating or in their early careers, work with students, have a relationship with your alma mater, or whose work reaches others that this podcast would be helpful for. Feel free to share away!

May 8, 2024

I’ve been reflecting on a conversation last week with someone who is leaving corporate America soon to reflect on what she wants to do next. She’s completely tired of doing things for other people, things that no longer light her up and spark her passion. So she’s taking time off to reflect on her next Bold Move.

She asked, “How do you figure that out?” 

Fair question – one a lot of people ask when they’re sick and tired of their current circumstance but don’t know what’s next. 

That’s when I had a MAJOR epiphany that inspired the title and discussion I have in my new solo episode. 

What do you do when it’s up to you to write the “how?”

Let’s explore this question together inside my 30th episode! Check it out now; live on wherever you get your podcasts! 

April 24, 2024

“Isn’t it funny how many times people try to stick us in boxes?” I said to @Nancy Davis, certified coach and strategist for high achievers, after she shared a story about not getting a job because she “wouldn’t bite the corporate bullet.”

📦 How many times have you been stuck in a box? 

📦 What did you do about it? 

📦 Did you stay stuck for too long because you didn’t know how to get out? <<< This one really resonates with me!

I invited Nancy to join me on my podcast, Bold Moves: How Did You Know?, about marching to the beat of your own drum and what to do when you get stuck. 

Nancy shares incredible advice – and her own experiences – about what to do when people try to stick us in a box that just doesn’t feel right. We discuss: 

👩‍💻 How knowing your value is critical to both your life and your career

👩‍💻 Why questioning and challenging your assumptions can help you climb out of the (proverbial) box

👩‍💻 The best business advice Nancy has ever received – listen up for this one!

👩‍💻 Why being rejected isn’t a bad thing

🎧 Listen now wherever you get your podcasts. Mind rating and reviewing the podcast? Write in the review, “You can’t put me in a box” and give this episode some love! 

April 10, 2024

Who better to talk about how to position yourself for a promotion than someone who has made it to the C-suite?

Meet Katherine Knight, Chief Legal Officer and Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Governance, at Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. 🚗

She brings us into her decision-making process as she navigated her career for over 20 years. We discuss Katherine’s early career as a law clerk and trial lawyer, and how she pivoted into corporate law where she became general council before taking on additional areas and responsibilities in HR and corporate governance.

She did all this by her early 40’s! Mid-life crisis, what? More like mid-life CLICK!

Katherine has found her stride – and learned valuable lessons like the upside of a rescinded job offer – and now, she’s sharing her story to empower you to discover what you want out of your career and how to get it. 💪

She discusses what plagues many people from moving forward in their careers in the era of remote work and how to get back on track with a simple (though not easy) concept.

Tune in to hear how she advises you to take initiative and get more visible  – and much more. We explore questions like:

❓Could being comfortable in your role harm your advancement potential?

❓Is a lateral move worth it?

❓What role does authenticity have in your career?

❓What’s the value of your personal brand in the workplace?

And bonus, you’ll hear a tip about career growth that I didn’t know was a key part of making a name for yourself until recently.

🎙️ You won’t want to miss this episode. Katherine is real, raw, and unfiltered. How many times can you say that when talking to an executive?

April 2, 2024

Why not us??

So much goodness in these 3 words and for my alma mater, North Carolina State University, it has become their golden ticket to the final four. 🏀

Do you know this story?

After a dismal regular season, losing more conference games than they won, NC State needed a miracle to make the NCAA tournament. They needed to win five games in a row, each an elimination game, to win the ACC conference title for a bid into the national tournament.

One by one, NC State knocked off each ACC opponent. Louisville, Syracuse, # 2 seed Duke, Virginia in a buzzer beater with a long 3 to tie the game and send them into overtime, and finally # 1 seed UNC Chapel Hill.

NC State just replicated the Cinderella run of Jimmy Valvano’s 1983 team only in the ACC conference tournament, winning our school’s first ACC title since 1987.

What could they do in the NCAA tournament? ⛹

"Why not us?" they chanted.

As an 11 seed, the road to the NCAA championship is a long one. You will play teams nationally ranked all year to get your chance. But you have a chance.

They’ve already been taking names, why not a few more?

Round of 64 = NC State beats # 6 seed Texas Tech

Round of 32 = NC State beats # 14 Oakland

Sweet 16 = NC State beats # 2 seed Marquette

Elite 8 = NC State beats # 4 seed Duke

NC State knocks off 4 more teams, most of them nationally ranked all season.

We’re in the final four baby!! First time since 1983!

Why do I share this story?

First, I’m one super proud NC State alumna!! Go Pack! 🐺 🐺 🐺

More importantly, It shows the power of a winning mindset. Skill is an important part of winning games no doubt, but a winning mindset defies the odds.

This team’s got it. Let’s see if we can make it all the way to the championship. Don’t count us out.

We’ve got “Why not us?” on our side.

March 27, 2024

You’ll be dreaming about chocolate after listening to "Bold Moves: How Did You Know" guest, Matt Cross. He’s the modern-day Willy Wonka, crafting seasonal bean-to-bar chocolate on Main Street in his quaint town of Tecumseh, Michigan. He and his wife, Elizabeth, co-founded Harvest Chocolate three years ago and they’re building a chocolate factory to make all of our sweet dreams come true. 

This chocolatier didn’t start in the chocolate business like you might think. In fact, he’s reinvented his career many times before opening the doors to Harvest Chocolate. What fueled his passion for chocolate? 

Matt talks about his path to sweet success and shares the bumps along the way to encourage your Bold Move journey. You’ll discover: 

The value of testing and trialing an idea before going all the way in

How to minimize fear of leaving a corporate job to start a new business or project

Why it’s important to get out of your own way

The upside of risk-taking

How Bold Moves pay off in dividends

Check it out now wherever you listen to podcasts! 

March 13, 2024

What’s my story? That’s the question Carli Sidoti faced when feeling the internal tug that her agency career wasn’t it anymore. 

The hopeful advertising agency partner felt stuck, confused, and unfulfilled. 😕 But why? She had put in the hard work to become VP for 20 years. The next step WAS partner. She was getting there; she was almost there. Still, the feeling nagged at her.

In the latest Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast episode, Carli shares her step-by-step process of going from corporate to consulting: 

✔️ Hear how she decided to leave the agency job she had known for so long to explore her new dream as a brand and marketing consultant. 

✔️ Discover the exact steps she took to make the leap

✔️ Hear what was going on in her personal life that could have been a stumbling block in her Bold Moves but how she kept going

🤔 Are you at a pivotal moment in your career trying to figure out what’s next? This episode is for you.

March 7, 2024

I was sick of following other people’s version of success. 

I was ready to write my own story. 

Great, now what? I was ill-equipped to just go for it. I needed a playbook. I needed inspiration and empowerment. 

If I needed those things to make massive changes in my life, I bet other people would too.

I imagined I would need every trait it takes to be bold.

So I started the quest to find out how to be bold and what to go after – and achieve – their goals and dreams.

The quest came to life through the Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast where I interview bold movers and shakers who audaciously write their own stories to inspire and empower us to write ours. 

Guess what? 

The quest (ie the podcast) turns 1 today! 

Will you celebrate with me? 

Leave me a review on Apple podcasts with a comment that says “Happy 1 year pod-iversary!” 

Thanks to the 25 extraordinary bold movers and shakers I’ve interviewed who have inspired and empowered us to make BOLD MOVES and write our own stories.  

March 5, 2024

I had a profound experience a few weeks ago. I was taking my so-very-cute frenchie, Pudge, on a walk. It was one of those days in the middle of winter where the temperature felt comfortable and I was enjoying being outside without a heavy coat.

On the stroll home, a thought came to me in a moment: “I feel successful.” 

Whoa! I feel successful. How could that be? I’m right at the beginning of a major career pivot – and success is what I’m building to. 

That’s when I put my finger on it. 

I didn’t think, “I am successful.” I thought, “I feel successful.” 

What’s the difference? 

To me, to be successful often equates to the societal definition of what success means. Making loads of money. Fancy house and cars. World traveling. Able to buy anything you desire without a second thought.

To feel successful is an internal state: inner peace, gratitude, fulfillment. 

To feel successful is when you feel truly satisfied and in alignment in your career and life. 

That’s when I realized, being successful is cool. Feeling successful is the next level.

What’s the difference to you? Is there one? Have you ever thought about it? 

Feb. 28, 2024

“Founder Amy Nelson Was Madly Pulling a Pandemic Pivot When…. The FBI Showed Up at Her Door With Guns, Seized Her Money, and Told Her Husband he was the Target of a Criminal Investigation.” 🔍 

That’s not only a headline from Entrepreneur Magazine, it’s also the headline of my guest Amy Nelson’s life over the last four years.

The story itself could be the plot of a Blockbuster movie. 🎬 But what’s more intriguing, more compelling – the part a Blockbuster movie is unlikely to tell – is how she walked through the fire and along the way pulled herself and her family up to overcome the unimaginable. 

Before this catastrophic attack on her personal liberty, Amy was a mover and shaker. She had founded The Riveter, a private membership network built to advance and amplify working women. She had raised 30 million dollars to grow it, and grow it she did – topping 100 employees with nine coworking locations across the US. 

And still now, despite all that’s come her way, Amy is making more bold moves than ever, and she has an important message to share: There’s power in telling your story. 

🎙️Tune in to this episode to hear all of it – the before, during, and after of Amazon and the Department of Justice’s legal battle with her family. 

Feb. 14, 2024

Do you all watch Million Dollar Listing, Selling Sunset, Dream Home Makeover? I watch all of them! On TV, the real estate industry looks so glamorous. Magnificent mansions. Fancy parties. High fashion.

But what is it really like behind the scenes?

Outside of the glam of it all on TV, a realtor has to deal with unpredictability and uncertainty on a day-to-day basis: market volatility, contract negotiations, and flip-flopping on decisions all affect their job and ability to get paid!

In this Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast episode, we get the scoop on the listing life from Realtor and Partner of The King + Hamilton Group, Courtney Benjamin. It’s a peek inside the industry while also exploring how to push past discomfort to accomplish your goals.

Navigating unpredictability is the NUMBER ONE question I get from people about making their next bold move so I know you'll love this episode!

We discuss how to ride the rollercoaster of unpredictability and what specifically you can do to get comfortable with the uncomfortable to grow yourself and your career.

Inside the episode, you'll hear:

  • How establishing your unique approach helps attract the right opportunities to you

  • Why helping not selling is the best way to grow your network

  • Moving this year? Get Courtney’s tips on getting settled into your new location to make it feel more like home

  • Buying a home or investing in a property? Learn where to start.

  • And much more!

I want to hear from you, too: how do you stay in the game when a steady paycheck isn't promised?!

Feb. 9, 2024

Oprah Winfrey said it:

"People get to where they want to go because they know where they want to go.

Most people don't know where they want to go.

The most important question you can ever ask yourself is, 'What do I really want?'

Once you can establish for yourself what the answer to that is, and have every choice you make move you in the direction of what you say your vision.... When you do that, the forces of life rise up to meet you.

The reason most people have chaotic lives is because they're living in chaos in their heads. As soon as you get clear, it clears right up."

Feb. 6, 2024

Taking a step forward RIGHT NOW (pic taken moments ago) on my, dare-I-say, biggest Bold Move this year: creating a keynote talk to share the Bold Moves recipe on stage. Eeekk, I'm so excited!

Pen to paper starts now! Send your positive energy my way!

And for the speakers out there, what are your best tips on creating a keynote that audiences will love? Help!

Jan 31, 2024

After an unexpected brain seizure just four days after celebrating her 50th birthday, her doctors told her, “Julie, you have tumors in your brain, both lungs, liver, pancreas, and all of your lymph nodes, I’m really sorry this isn’t good.”

It was incurable, and doctors said she’d be lucky to make it nine months.

With time running out, she forced her way onto an experimental drug trial as patient 71. The events that unfold – and her fight to live – are the ultimate display of strength, tenacity, determination, and a pure will to survive.

“I just didn’t give up, I would not let it go… It was a BOLD MOVE.”

Hear Julie's incredible story and learn the sobering lessons from her near-death experience she wants everyone to know. 🎧

You won't want to miss this harrowing tale!

🎙️Our interview is now live wherever you listen to podcasts.

Jan. 17, 2024

Are you somewhere down the path of your life waking up to the fact that what you’re doing isn’t working anymore? 🤔

And now you're searching to do it in a better way? A way that’s more empowering and truthful to who you are.

🎙️Today’s Bold Moves: How Did You Know guest, Allison Hare, Host of Late Learner Podcast, is no stranger to this feeling. As a former corporate sales executive, she pivoted her life when fitting in the box wasn’t working anymore.

Now, she helps hundreds of thousands of people late learn the behaviors that are holding them back and the cutting-edge and effective ways to heal and move forward with confidence.

🎧 Tune into this episode to hear why it’s never too late to make Bold Moves! In fact, late learning what you want from your life may just make your Bold Moves more satisfying and fulfilling than ever before.

You’ll learn:

✅ How to evaluate your daily life to see if what you’re doing gives you fulfillment

✅ How to elevate without burning out using Allison’s framework to recharge, release, redesign

✅ What Allison late learned in 2023 that can help you make more effective Bold Moves in 2024

Tune in now wherever you get your podcasts!

Jan. 9, 2024

One of the micro-actions I need to take this year to achieve my Bold Moves is carving out space and time…. for thinking.

Thinking is going to make my keynote speech come together.

Thinking is going to help generate new ideas for my business and my clients.

Thinking is going to help me share valuable thoughts here on LinkedIn and on my podcast.

But, space for thinking is hard to find.

So, I need advice!

How do you carve out space for thinking? Rather than doing. Doing the work. Paying bills. Writing emails. Etc, etc, etc.

When? Where? How do you find time in your day or week to step away from the computer and put your thinking cap on to focus on the big, scary goals?

What works for you? 

Jan. 3, 2024

Bold Moves: How Did You Know is back! Whoop Whoop! 

And what a great episode to kick off the New Year. It’s a masterclass for the Bold Moves recipe and will inspire you to use the recipe to get going on your Bold Moves this year!

I interviewed Michelle Morgan, Co-Founder of Sharpen Partners, who has worn many hats over her career from earning a degree in architecture, then transitioning to opening a coworking space, and becoming an experience design consultancy co-owner. 

We talk about the “Your Desire” and “Who” parts of the Bold Moves recipe and the success Michelle has seen from applying these principles in her life. She takes us along her Bold Moves journey and the insights she’s collected along the way to help inspire us to make brave choices!


  • Michelle’s memorable frame for the Bold Moves recipe.

  • Why Michelle thinks women have been conditioned to tune out their intuition and why it’s critically important to tune back in.

  • How she responds to a question when the answer is “no.” Hint: she doesn’t feel comfortable using “no” as a complete sentence and does this instead.

  • Learn the bravest decision Michelle has ever made.

It’s live now! Listen on your preferred podcast app – and online.

Jan. 2, 2024

Out with New Year's resolutions. 

Out with a word/theme of the year. 

In with BOLD MOVES created with intention! 

This year, I’m following the Bold Moves recipe to define what I want to do/create/experience that align with who I am and who I want to become. 

What are the Bold Moves I want to make or start this year that fulfill my passions, purposes, strengths, interests, and skills? How do I ensure they align with my authentic self? 

Want to join me? 

That’s where the Bold Moves recipe is so helpful! 

It accounts for three areas to help you dig in deep to what you want, why you want it and how to get there: 

Your desire: getting uber clear and intentional about what makes you, you!

Who: Who can help you in your Bold Moves journey this year.

Action: What are the identity-based and outcome-based actions that you need to take to accomplish your Bold Move.

It boils down into You + Who + Do!

I translated the Bold Moves recipe from the latest podcast episode (if you haven’t listened, what are you waiting for? It’s named “Curious How to Make A Bold Move? Discover the Bold Moves Recipe) into a series of actionable emails in the Bold Moves Podcast Club.

If New Year’s resolutions never seem to pan out for you, and you want to get going with making some major progress in your career and life, it’s time to change up your game plan.

Sign up for the Bold Moves Podcast Club and learn how to apply the Bold Moves recipe to your goals this year. 

Dec. 19, 2023

My belief that hard work pays off was tested earlier this year when I was laid off.

Asking about my strengths, friends and colleagues would tell you I’m a hard worker. Dedicated. Motivated. Ambitious. Always coming to the table with new ideas, new strategies, a look back to inform the look ahead.

I love being this way. I’ve got passion for working. Weird, I know. But, I wonder if you can relate?

So back to earlier this year when I was laid off.

Me: Huh? What? How? Along with my amazing team, we produced the results. We developed the strategy and implemented it, and improved our performance every year since I had joined.

Hard work was paying off.

Then I learned the most valuable lesson of my career.

You can work hard to produce exceptional results AND it might still not go you’re way. Both things can be true.

I remembered my 15-year old self who was let go from the tennis team after making it the year before. She was stunned that her name wasn’t on the roster her junior year.  Somehow, that girl knew not to get down for too long. She knew that she needed to call upon something else to rise up from a setback.

Resilience and determination.

Now 16 years old, a senior. I tried out for the tennis team again after a year of taking more lessons and practicing even harder.

I made it. Ahhhh. Hard work pays off.

Fast forward to today.

Those same qualities that made me great at the job I was laid off from. Guess what? I still have them. They didn’t get left behind. I went deep inside once again to find determination and resilience.

Oh, hello, old friends.

Then I quickly pivoted into my new career, my next Bold Move.

And I’m even better now. Better at content strategy. Better at storytelling. Better at marketing. Better at consulting.

Hard work pays off. No matter what happens that might counter this belief.

I’m honored to be featured as one of Pepper’s Content Marketing Leaders of 2023. I’m in esteemed company, so check out the whole list for some transformative marketing insights as you plan for 2024:

Read my contribution here:

Dec. 7, 2023

Once I released the belief that to be successful I had to work at a well-known company and continue climbing the corporate ladder, I became a new version of myself.

Enter: the door to my next chapter. Often reevaluating our desires and beliefs get us closer to what is truly meant for us.

What belief do you need put a system override on?

Nov. 29, 2023

After interviewing 18 exceptional people making BOLD MOVES to define their own path, I put my finger on something wildly exciting! 

I analyzed their stories and the insights they shared plus my own process of starting to make significant shifts in my life and I’ve unlocked the “how” for making bold moves. 

I call it the Bold Moves recipe!

Are you ready to craft a life by your own design more than ever? Ready to make shifts in your life that are in alignment with who you are and who you want to become? Then listen up!

I’m defining the Bold Moves recipe and distilling it all down to help you create a life that is totally defined by you. This episode will empower you to identify your authentic Bold Moves and then learn how to finally take bold action on them. 

The Bold Moves recipe has three parts and I describe each part of the recipe in detail and give you tools so you can start or uplevel your Bold Moves journey.

It’s the perfect episode for the end of the year! Use the recipe to create intentional goals for 2024 that align with the life you want to create. 

PS: I’m super excited for you to listen (and a little nervous, if I’m honest)! I’m much more comfortable in host mode, but I’m learning to use my voice to share things I think will empower you to be the best version of yourself.

Nov. 15, 2023

Are you struggling with prioritizing the demands of everyone else with your own?

Jenna takes us into her story about how she operated in survival mode in her early adulthood through her 20s until discovering how owning her power and choosing herself first was the key to everything falling into place and becoming the best version of herself.

She went on to write a book, “I Love Me More: How to Find Happiness and Success through Self-Love” to help others embrace their power and practice self-love. ✨

Don’t write this episode off as woo-woo. It’s anything but that!

It’s about empowering yourself to be bold in your self-worth so you can serve those in your life, your community, and the world in a greater way with more impact.

That is where you’re going to find happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction. It’s the turning point for the bigger game. 🔥

Nov. 1, 2023

What's it like inside an artist's studio? Come with me behind the scenes!

I had a hunch we could all learn a thing or two from someone who spends his days cultivating his passion brush stroke by brush stroke. 🖌️

To have a natural talent is one extraordinary thing. Making it your career is a lesson in discipline, connection, self-doubt, relationship-building and so much more.

On this week's Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast, I interviewed Seth Ruggles Hiler on his life as an artist. 🧑‍🎨🎨

We have a fascinating conversation about how discovered his artistic talent, the transformative experience that ignited his belief in becoming an artist, what inspires his work, and his approach to the business side of sharing and selling his art. 🖼️

Seth reveals how he sparks his creativity and how you can too. How he conquers self-doubt when it creeps in. His mindset around discipline, and more.

Not only will you discover what it’s like to live a creative life, you’ll also be inspired to re-discover the creativity within you and notably, what it takes to go from hobbyist to pro–no matter your career.

Tune in now for the best creative inspiration you'll get all week (maybe all year).

Oct. 17, 2023

How do you translate confidence through style?

🎙️This week’s Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast guest, Eileen Nebhut, Founder of Venus Rising discusses how confidence plays a significant role in her work as a wardrobe consultant.

She shares her advice on identifying a personal style that reflects who you want to be so you can feel more confident in your career and life.

🎧 In this episode, you’ll learn style tips like: 

👗 What style is and how to identify your personal style

🔍 How you can identify when you need to update your personal style

🍂What staple pieces you need this fall

You’ll also learn about Eileen’s journey as a stylepreneur.

She founded Venus Rising after a varied career in publishing, art, home concierge, energy efficiency, and corporate consulting. Throughout her life, she had a knack for helping style others and when she was ready for her next bold move, she realized she could turn her hobby into a business opportunity.

If your career looks like more a zig-zag than a straight line and you’re nervous that you haven’t found your north star, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Eileen reminds us that sometimes, many different experiences, being free-spirited, and taking risks are just the recipe for a bold move!

Oct. 13, 2023

Bold & Noteworthy this week:

Defining your next bold move. 🤯

This week in particular I’ve heard from several new free agents who are now on the hunt for their next opportunity after being impacted by a layoff.

I put myself right back in their shoes. I can relate I was also impacted by a layoff earlier this year.

The single best thing I did during the transition was embrace the uncertainty so it wouldn’t engulf me and start planning my next bold move–intentionally.

First, embrace the uncertainty:

✅ Spend time outside and off your devices: Nature has a divine force on us when you let it in.

✅ Express what you’re grateful for: This has a profound impact on taking you outside of your negative thoughts.

✅ Journal to uncover your true thoughts and desires.

✅ Just breathe: Think of this time as your sabbatical to reset your intentions and design your next chapter.

Then, define your next bold move:

Turn inward and really think about what it is YOU want. 🤩

What impact do you want to make on the world?

What legacy do you wish to leave behind?

What’s the message that you want to help share?

What are you motivated by? 

What are your strengths?

What are your values?

My podcast, Bold Moves: How Did You Know? (available on most podcast apps), is a great place for you. It’s full of stories about people who have stood in your shoes before and have changed their lives for the better!

Here are some in particular as you embrace your free agency:

Identify Who You Want to Become with Me, A Storytelling Entrepreneur

Thriving After A Setback with Author of “The Setback Cycle” Amy Shoenthal

Bravely Confronting A Career Setback with Emmagness Ruzvidzo, Founder of Vaka Brand & Marketing Consulting

Just Do Something: Planning For Your Next Bold Move with Natalie Greenwood of Informatica

Bold Leadership and Finding an Industry You Love with Microsoft’s CTO, Education Serena Sacks-Mandel


How To Live The Width Of Your Life with Transformational Coach Aneta Ardelian Kuzma 

Oct. 3, 2023

Company loyalty. Where do you stand on the topic? 

This week’s Bold Moves podcast guest Natalie Greenwood, Senior Principal Advisor at Informatica, is changing the narrative and challenging conventional thinking around company loyalty. Conventional career advice says to find a good company and stay there. But what happens when that same company doesn’t give that commitment back to you?

🎧Tune in to hear Natalie share her counter to prevailing wisdom, and what she advises people to do to prepare for the point in time when the loyalty agreement between employer and employee becomes imbalanced. 

*Hint: it has to do with never settling and being ready for your next bold move! 

This interview might just change the way you think about your career and keep you motivated to always have your eye on your next bold move. Discover:  


✅Natalie’s personal experience that shifted her mindset on company loyalty 

✅Her passion for mentorship (she mentors 33 people!!) and how to identify a mentor who is best suited for you

✅Why she keeps the phrase, “Do something,” in her back pocket 

✅And a whole lot more! 

I really enjoyed this conversation with Natalie–and I know you will too. 

Sept. 19, 2023

“We are more than our work. More than being a parent. More than a singer.”

This week’s Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast guest Marla J. Albertie, founder of TruthSpeaksGroup and Ph.D. student of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, helps us explore a deeper understanding of ourselves so we can create work-life integration/harmony.

What’s work-life integration/harmony? 

Marla says, “It’s about integrating titles and learning how to be. We are. I am. That’s it.”

🎧 Listen to the episode to hear this and more:

✔️ Discover how individuals and organizations can practice work-life integration/harmony

✔️ Learn the topics that come up in Marla’s life coaching sessions and what she advises many clients to do to start integrating and harmonizing their work and their life

✔️ Hear why she thinks vision boards are integral to work-life integration/harmony

Sept. 2023

Can setbacks make us stronger, more innovative, creative, and successful?

According to this week’s Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast guest Amy Shoenthal, they absolutely can–and do.

She has interviewed the world’s most renowned entrepreneurs and leaders–like Marie Kondo, Tory Burch, and Mazie Hirono–for her column in ForbesWomen.

Through their stories, she realized something: These people are THRIVING after experiencing setbacks of their own. 🙌 🙌 🙌

Now she’s writing a book about the setbacks people experience and how they come out stronger on the other side and accomplish extraordinary things! 💡

The book called “The Setback Cycle” is set to publish in the spring of 2024. Before it hits the shelves, Amy stopped by the Bold Moves podcast to give us a peek into her new book.

🎙️ This is a must-listen episode about the silver lining of SPECTACULAR FAILURE.

August 8, 2023

If you haven’t already faced the question in your career about how to be an effective leader, you will.

I can’t think of a better person to offer her experience and point of view on the traits and qualities of an effective leader than this week’s guest, Connie Collingsworth, Senior Advisor at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Over her illustrious career, she has advised Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet, and many leading business leaders of our time while managing multiple teams and taking on projects that have helped the Bill & Gates Foundation fight the greatest inequalities in the world.

Truth-telling, getting out of your own way, resilience, Connie shares it all through the lens of her experiences and lessons.

July 25, 2023

Looking for your dream job? Try experimenting in different industries.

Trying new industries was the secret to unlocking this week’s Bold Moves guests’ passion and purpose. In fact, Serena Sacks-Mandel, Chief Technology Officer of Education at Microsoft experimented in 8 industries before finding “the one.” Now, she’s soaring in her role, inspired to change lives and the world by transforming education through technology. 

From defying conventions to forging her path, Serena reveals the stories behind her success and how her bold moves have shaped her into the visionary–and bold–leader she is today. 

Through her story, you’ll learn:

  • The experience of trying new things can help you identify what matters most to you

  • When you know what matters most to you, your vision for making a difference gets even clearer

  • Authenticity is not just a style, it's a way of leading

And bonus: Serena gives us a sneak peek inside her new book launching in a few months!

July 17, 2023

There are a million definitions for “being bold.”

But the one that counts is yours. 

July 11, 2023

“Being bold is identifying who you want to become.”

For the 10th episode of the Bold Moves: How Did You Know? Podcast I’m in the hot seat talking about my Bold Moves journey and what I’ve learned along the way about being bold and how I figured out who I want to become. 

It’s a journey and I’m on it with all of you. Trying to navigate life and career in a way that fulfills me. I share: 

  • Why I started the Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast

  • My Bold Moves journey and how I knew! 

  • I admit my limiting beliefs 

  • How I make progress in spite of my limiting beliefs

  • What I’ve learned from my previous podcast guests

  • How I have defined my purpose 

  • What I know about being bold today that I wish I would have known earlier on]

  • Why it’s a good idea to have an accountability buddy to encourage your Bold Moves 

And finally, I’m keeping myself accountable by sharing my next bold moves with you all. One of which I’m officially launching today! 

It’s the Bold Moves Podcast Club! Learn the details and join the club HERE.

It would mean so very much to me if you listen to this very personal episode and come back here to share your biggest takeaways. Did you learn something about being bold that you hadn’t thought about before? 

July 7, 2023

A little BTS today on the Bold Moves: How Did You Know? #podcasting front. I just recorded my next episode and the guest was….

Yours truly! 

Now, I’ve got to get in the edit bay and package it up to have it ready by Tuesday! I hope you’ll find it interesting to hear MY story. OMG that makes me nervous :) 

Until then, check out the last 9 episodes on the pod for your #WeekendMotivation and hear Bold Moves stories and what my guests have learned along the way: 

✨Ditching the status quo for a new blueprint that is uniquely you with Louis Herron 

🚀 Reaching out of your comfort zone with Katherine Branch

💪Investing in the future version of yourself with Tammy Tibbetts

🌟Being ridiculously resilient with Em

☕Moving abroad and opening a coffee shop with Michael & Shannon Healey

📝How contrast gives you clarity with Ang Barnard

💭Changing your thoughts will change your life with Elizabeth Garvish

🛤️Rejection isn't the end of the road, it's the path to a new one with Nick Powills

Happy listening!

June 13, 2023

How did I become a waitress for Huddle House on the set of FOX & Friends in NYC?

That Bold Moves story and much more is inside my latest podcast episode with Founder of Mainland, Nick Powills.

You see, I was Nick’s third employee back in 2009 and I was in for a wild ride that included many, many Bold Moves (did I mention I played a Huddle House waitress?).

By working so closely with Nick in those early days, I got a passenger seat to watch him start and grow his business.

Now, 15 years later, we’re catching up about what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur.

Starting a business isn’t necessarily the boldest part of entrepreneurship, he shares. The next bold moves in business are equally, if not more, bold than the first.

Nick is real and raw about what it’s like to run and grow a business. He shares the wisdom he’s collected from his 15 years as a business owner. Hear his entrepreneurial journey, which started from a bad experience with one of his early bosses, and how he’s navigated entrepreneurship ever since.

Here's a peek inside the episode:

> Rejection doesn’t deter Nick but rather fuels his momentum for bold moves.

> Nick has sage advice for first-time entrepreneurs who are building teams that you need to hear.

> Adding value–beyond what you’re getting paid for–can help guarantee success.

> Nick shares why it’s critical for entrepreneurs to make bold moves inside their businesses.

> Learn how Nick approaches building his business with no regrets.

Listen now wherever you get your podcasts

June 8, 2023

I’m blowing out another candle on the birthday cake today feeling more grateful than ever. 

I had always imagined a bold life for myself. I just didn’t always know what that looked like exactly and how I would get there. 

But this year contrast brought me clarity (thanks Ang!) and I’ve moved more into my own path than ever before. I’m living my big, bold dreams that are rich with experiences that fulfill my purposes of connecting authentically with and empowering others and sharing stories to bring more insights into the world.

I’m so excited for everything to come and equally as excited to see what’s just around the corner: 

  • More inspiring Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast episodes

  • Working with B2B companies and the smart people within them to create BOLD content strategies that build stronger and more meaningful relationships with their audiences

  • Celebrating my milestone birthday in Aspen, CO with the VIPs in my life

  • Documenting love stories and helping engaged couples with their wedding vows through my business, Love Notery

Thanks to all of you who inspire me daily with your stories of courage, humanity, vulnerability and empathy. One last thing I’ve learned this year: It’s the “whos,” not the “how,” that matter the most. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

May 30, 2023

Ever dream of running a coffee shop? Or living abroad? Or traveling the world? 

Wonder what it would be like to do any one of these things? What about all of them? 

If you live for adventure or dream of adventuring, this Bold Moves episode is definitely for you!  

This week’s guests Michael and Shannon Healey didn’t just dream of these things, they actually did them–all of them! 

How, you ask?

They stopped by my podcast to talk about their bold moves, including their most recent adventure of opening a concept and coffe(ish) shop called The Collector in Kinsale, Ireland.

You HAVE to hear their story. It’s proof that anyone can make anything happen.

May 26, 2023

Bet on yourself. Sounds simple, but it rarely is. 

Imagine what Bold Moves: How Did You Know guest Elizabeth Garvish felt having to go through IVF alone. So much uncertainty, fear, and ups and downs over three years. What pushed her to make this bold move? 

“I knew I had to follow my heart.”

May 22, 2023

Have you ever caught yourself asking, “How do I do that?” Or saying, “I don’t know how to do that.” 

I hope I’m not the only one who is nodding her head yes. 

That’s the “tyranny of the how” getting in your way. Tony Robbins’ phrase, not mine. 

“What gets in the way of success is the tyranny of how,” he says. “I’m gonna do this, but your brain says I don’t know how. 

And then you stop.”

The difference between the people who make bold moves and those who stand on the sidelines watching? 

They don’t focus on the how. Instead, they focus on the what and the why. 

What it is they want to do

Why do they want to do it. 

The how… you gain the how from finding the who’s who have already done it. 🤯

To wrap up, think of something you’ve already accomplished. How did you get there? Was it more about the what, why and who? 

How did you figure out how to do it?

April 27, 2023

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both." ~Brené Brown 

Brené Brown gets what being bold is all about.

Her book, and others recommended by my podcast guests, make up a library I'm putting together to help you embrace and practice a bold moves mindset. Because changing your mindset is what will get you to pursue your next bold move.

What books have you read that have inspired you to go after your dreams?

April 20, 2023

What do Journey, Quest and Pudge have in common? 

They’re all unusual names. Journey and Quest are the names of two hikers (ages 3 and 5) I met in the Grand Canyon. And Pudge is my dog’s name. 

This got me thinking about identity and purpose. When I named my oh-so-adorable French Bulldog, Pudge, I certainly didn’t intend for him to become pudgy, but at 28 pounds, I can say that he’s really grown into his name.

Perhaps “growing into your name” was the mindset of the parents who named their kids, Journey and Quest. Did they hope to give them some direction to find meaning and purpose in their lives? To make sure they would treat life as an adventure? To help guide them to ponder and follow their purpose and passion?

These nouns to me—journey and quest—make my mind expand to think about the journeys I want to take and the quest I’m embarking on in my own life. 

I think these kids are lucky because they’ll be conditioned from an early age to center their thoughts around curiosity, wonder and imagination. 

But for the rest of us with, dare I say, regular names where parental and societal expectations guide most of our early to middle lives, how do we tap into our inner beings to discover the journeys and quests we want to make? 

For some, it’s natural. For others, it comes after years of experiences that are in—and out— of alignment with who we are at our core. 

Through my podcast, Bold Moves: How Did You Know?, these are exactly the stories and people I will introduce you to. They’re curious, courageous and unafraid to test out the waters to move closer to their dreams. Along the way, I also talk to experts who help people like you and me discover more about ourselves so we can embark on the journeys and quests that give us meaning and purpose.

April 19, 2023

“Contrast gives you clarity.”
“People who are bold are curious.”

My next episode of the Bold Moves: How Did You Know? podcast is full of golden nugget after golden nugget. My guest Ang Barnard, strategic communications consultant, speaker and career coach, shares her collective insight from helping hundreds of people pursue career and life transitions that align with their core values.

In this episode, learn:

✅ How your energy is the secret to connecting to the life you dream about

✅ How curiosity leads to courage which leads to action

✅ Why “who” is your ticket to expanding your vision of what’s possible

My top takeaways from this episode:

  • Shifting your energy will shift your life.

  • Curiosity is THE skill that people who are bold practice, a lot. When you have a new dream, keep your mind in a curious state.

  • Being in a less-than-ideal situation can help give you more clarity about your next bold move.

  • The quickest way to be who you want to be and do what you want to do is to hang out with people who are doing what you want to be doing.

  • Watch what you say to yourself. Your "mind trash" can keep you from designing the life you want.

April 12, 2023

Have you ever been interested in pursuing something that you know would light you up,  but thought, “That’s what other people do, I don’t have the skills to do that?” 

I know I do. 

It’s how I felt about podcasting for YEARS. 

I love hearing people’s stories, how they approach challenges, what keeps them going when it gets really hard, and get some practical tips and advice that I can apply to my work and life. 

I also love presenting, hosting and interviewing. 

Podcasting felt like something right up my ally but it also felt unapproachable. A month ago though, I conquered all my excuses and launched my podcast, “Bold Moves: How Did You Know?” 

In essence, I made my own BOLD MOVE. 

I share this story to remind you that we all can do hard things. We just have to decide to do it. And have the courage to go for it. 

Sometimes it helps to hear other people’s stories of bold moves to build up the belief in yourself. If that sounds interesting to you–if you’re searching for evidence that you can do that thing you’ve wanted to do, I encourage you to subscribe to my podcast and listen to others who are pursuing their dreams all because they decided to make a bold move and reach outside of their comfort zone. 

My hope is that through their stories, you’ll be inspired to pursue YOUR boldest dreams. 

In fact, put it down in writing right now. Take it from your head and onto paper. Don’t think twice. What’s your next bold move?

April 3, 2023

Facing a career setback? My Bold Moves: How Did You Know podcast guest Emmagness Ruzvidzo can relate.

After almost a decade of building a career and nearly reaching the C-Suite, her career was “dragged through the mud” when she moved to Australia. In the face of adversity, her message is clear: you have a choice when setbacks occur. Get back up and keep going to get what you want or let adversity get the best of you. 

Her grit, resiliency and bravery is unmatched.

Listen in as she talks about overcoming adversity, knowing your worth, being brave, why we don’t need permission to sit at the table and so much more. 

Tune in now–it’s live on all the podcast apps, and online.

March 29, 2023

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

I remember repeating this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson to my dad sometime in my college days. I hadn’t known then, of course, how I would still use it as an internal compass 20 years later.

A reminder.

A reframe. 

A guide.

I want every moment of life to feel precious. Like when you reunite with your college friends for the first time in a decade.

Or when you’ve hiked all the way to the top of the mountain and can finally look out over the entire landscape to see Mother Nature in all her glory.

The beauty is in how we get to where we’re going. The views at the top of the mountain make the hike worth it.

This is the mindset I’m taking into my new journey as I build my content consulting business. It’s going to be hard. Some days are going to feel intense.

But the new people I’m meeting, the exciting projects I’ll get to work on, the people I’ll get to inspire, mentor, empower…

That’s on the other side, and it’s so worth the climb.


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